End of Year Health Fund Benefits

Did you know that most health fund limits are based on calendar years not financial years?


This means that you only have less than 2 months to get your treatment done in this year, leaving next years entitlements or limits untouched.

As an example, if Mrs Jones needs three dental crowns and her health fund gives a higher rebate for two crowns per year, you can make the treatment more affordable by doing two this year and one next year, that still leaves a higher rebate for another crown next year if something breaks.

Implant treatment can be done in this way also, having the implant this year, the crown next year spreads the claims for complex dental over 2 years.

Dental fillings also have yearly limits, some funds only give a rebate for 4 or 6 per year. If you get your treatment started today and maximize your limits for the year and the remainder next year.


Call Cambridge CIty Dental or book an appointment today to maximize your health fund rebates.